Friday, March 30 – April 2nd

Been a couple days since I’ve written.  Friday was a holiday here so we spent the day getting a few more household chores checked off my list.   I have an appointment to open a bank account on Tuesday, so my hands are tied on several items until li have that.

We found a really nice Italian restaurant which happens to be directly next to my flat.  Score.   I’m surrounded by small fresh fruit and vegetable stands, Mediterranean markets, a laundry and shoe repair place.   You are just walking along a busy street and then BAM, Peter’s Court, which is where I live.


Bob left Saturday for the states and it just killed me.  I walked around my flat asking myself what have I done?!    After a bit I rallied and took a 4 mile walk to set myself (and thoughts) right again.  Then he sent words of encouragement from the airport and (as always) helped me to refocus.

Sunday I walked again, down past the Palace.  Did 7+ miles.  It was cold.  But I didn’t get lost and that was really my goal. Since I have no god-given sense of direction, getting lost is a likelihood.

Now it’s Monday.  We still have today and tomorrow off.  I believe today is still part of the Easter Holiday.  Tuesday is a day off for my group, the A Bascis Patisserie.

I’m over at Arro’s ( 1 block from the flat) this morning taking advantage of their free WiFi and enjoying a Flat White and slice of Panettone.   If I gain weight here it won’t be due to the pastries I create in school (well maybe it will) but more likely the Panettone.  Its a weakness for me.

