We’re having nice weather in London.

Seriously, the weather has been really nice the these last couple of days.  Some blue sky, 50 degree temps and only a little wind at times.

This past Wednesday, I felt like a maniac in the Practical session.  My partner was Anya.  She has worked in her parents bakeries in Switzerland  so she has far more knowledge than me of what is going on.  That was lucky because she was able to organize a working kitchen better than me and assign who was doing what.  I really appreciated her experience but at the end of the day I left feeling petty overwhelmed.  Students must be over-prepared and once class begins, the clock is ticking.  You may have 6 items to create in a 2 1/2 hour time frame.  Think of that when baking at home. I don’t care who you are that is a lot to prepare in 2 1/2 hours.  We made Creme Patissiere, Creme Diplomat, Creme Mousseline, Creme Chantilly and Meringue Suisse plus piping.    Hectic but fun.

I don’t recall dinner that evening but my dessert comprised of Meringues and yes, that is a Digestive cookie. Lauren Steinbrecher (Fox 13 News) said they were the best cookie and she was right. Luckily my staff also gave me some in a going away present so I’m now a big fan of the  Digestive.  As for the Meringues, this picture doesn’t do them justice. Light, melt in your mouth, delicious pillows of which I put away about 20 with no regrettable thoughts whats so ever.  (For any baker who reads this, yes, I’ve been clearly told my piping needs work. No worries.)

I spent the evening ( with desert) preparing for the next Practical to organize myself better so I could start on a better foot.  It worked.  The next morning we made Creme Anglaise, Creme Caramel, Creme Brûlée, Coulis and Tuille.  Come Monday morning we will tested on plating everything we made on Friday.  That should be fun.  We also were shown how to make sugar cages which I never think of but get to make on Monday.  I’ll take a picture.

Today is Saturday, April 7th, and London was supposed to have all this rain, but it moved off and it was a really nice day.  I met Joyce (friend from school in the same group as me) for lunch.  We went to the Malaysian Canteen in Bayswater.  Food was delicious and the atmosphere was warm and family style. You just shared tables with who ever needed a seat.  Joyce was craving food from her home land and had been here before.  She knew it would be good.  I want to take Bob there when he comes back. I can not tell you the names of everything we had but but mine was a yellow curry with okra for my veggies.  Best Okra I’ve ever had.

After lunch we walked Hyde Park.  The nice weather brought everyone out.  The park was full and there we so may dogs.  You can have them off leash is most parts of the park.  Below is a picture of Joyce and me by the Italian Fountains.

This last pic is of a rescued French Bulldog named Georgio.  He enjoyed chin and neck scratches and running like a little bullet in the park.

So Sunday will be filled with laundry, grocery shopping and studying.  This coming week we are packed with a really heavy load of classes and some late nights.  I will most likely fit in a little Panettone as well.

Talk Later.


