Wow, super busy week at school

We packed a lot into this past week.  Had some really long days with some good results and some so-so results.  The chefs really stress the message that you are here to learn so they don’t expect everything to be perfect. (Lucky for me!) Especially the first time.  That helps when your dish doesn’t turn out quite as beautiful as theirs.   It’s a little morale booster I suppose.  I’m also beginning to understand the French chefs a bit better.  They speak English with a strong French accent.  The trick is don’t dwell on a word that made absolutely no sense.  You’ll get the meaning in the context of the sentence – hopefully.  And if not, move on.

On a couple of occasions we have a 2 1/2 hour break between classes.  This past Monday we spent the morning working on baked and stirred custards and then our break happened to be right at lunchtime and there were some errands to run so we changed back into street clothes and out into some serious rain.  Sometimes the wind is too strong so an umbrella isn’t much help as it almost turns inside out.  Other times I use the hood on my raincoat which makes me feel a little bit vulnerable because you can’t see whats around you.  Tunnel vision.  And the rain blows into the hood so you just get wet.  Not the worst thing.

We stopped into a sushi restaurant for a bite. I have not experienced the conveyor belt sushi restaurant until now.  Fun.  Prepared sushi goes by on little covered plates.  Each color plate has a price assigned to it.  When you see one you like, you take it from the conveyor belt and when you are done with your meal they total up the plates.   Seems efficient and the sushi was pretty good.   I’m still here to type this so that’s a good sign.

Selecting sushi off the belt.

Joyce and Elaine


Tuesday was short crust  pastry.  Delicious.  You know when you have a piece of tart or pie and you end up eating the filling because the crust just isn’t that great   Not the case here.  We made a lemon meringue tart and a the chef demoed a chocolate tart.  That was my lunch that day.  So good.  I brought my lemon tart home and NO did not eat the whole thing but maybe a couple of slices.

I’m working on my piping but the flavor is great.

Wednesday was a demo and a wine class.  Fun wine class.  Learned a lot.  We won’t be tested on it but its valuable info to have.  Instructor had a good sense of humor and pretty much knows wines from all over the world.   Fun fact:  more men drink rose than women even though when producers started making more roses they though it would appeal more to women.  There you are.   Never underestimate a man and good rose.

Thursday was a sweet pastry crust with almond cream.  Almond cream has become a new favorite for me.  Its lovely.  We made a Sweet pastry tart with apples compote for our practical.    I left this one at school for the other students to eat.  Sometimes I have too much to carry home on the tube so I imagine this tart was the first of several that will be left behind.   They get eaten quickly.  The culinary students really appreciate when pastries are left.  (reminds me of the Fox 13 Foodicle and how quickly food disappears).

Chefs demo.  Yep, just whipped these together in 3 hours.  No problem.

This is my apple compote.  I should have turned it in the over for more even baking but just ran out of time. Someone enjoyed it.


Friday was puff pastry.  Eveline Rosa told me this would be a challenge and she couldn’t have been more right.   She is my Pilates teacher (Canyon Cove Pilates) and she warned me that rolling of the dough is challenging.  Your arms can get really tired.  I’m not sure which is harder, hand whisking whipped cream or rolling puff pastry.  Toss up. Your arms are a little bit like noodles afterwards.   She kept me working my arms so I’d be strong enough.   Honestly, I think it helped.   We had to make our own puff pastry from scratch that we will use again this coming Tuesday and then the Chefs allowed us to use pre-made puff pastry to create our dish of a pear and almond cream puff pastry with a lattice top.  This is in my fridge right now.  The pears are poached by the way.  This one is really good.

Messed up my lattice top a bit but it didn’t bother the flavor.  the poached pears on almond cream is just a beautiful thing.

Ended the week with a Saturday High Tea at the Berkeley Hotel.  They combine fashion and High Tea.  So the chef uses the latest fashions for inspiration in his shapes and colors and ingredients for the High Tea.  This is the first High Tea I’ve ever done.  Really special and every detail is perfect.   Lots of pics for this one.

First course is the sandwiches and savory items.

Close up of savory items.  Smoked tuna in the bowl with blackberries.

Some of the pastries.  All so good.

Full shot of pastries.

Yes, I tried almost everything.  The whole experience took 4 hours and included some much-needed girl talk as well.   Great afternoon/evening.

Its Sunday now and I’m going to run a quick errand and then begin cooking a couple of meals for the week so I eat something other than pastries.  A little protein at least.

That’s it for now.

Talk later.

