Random Tastes – Coffee Experience, Part Deux!

Hi  Gang,

Bob here, again.  Let me know if you get bored.  I’m sure we can bring Mel back this weekend if you’re getting too much caffeine and not enough pastry.  😉

Mel’s done with finals, and happy.  And, I am too.  Living here with my dog friends is great, but I miss Mel!

Flashback: Late March.  Finding new restaurants, living the London experience (what is that, anyway?) – renting a flat, and moving Mel in.  It was stressful, took longer than we thought it would (surprise), and ended with this conversation with my boss at work:

  • Me:  “Marshall, I’m not coming back…”
  • Marshall:  “Uh …ok … uh…  Ever?”
  • Me:  “Give me another week?”

Mel with Pup in Pub.  One of my favorite photos from the trip, the day we signed for the flat. A Saturday evening when our work was done and it was time to relax.

Yes, dogs are allowed into the pub, with their owners.  Neal (I think? And no, we don’t know him) saw Mel staring at said Super Puppy, so he wandered over and asked if she’d like to hold him. Yep!

I know this is a coffee post, so I’ll finish with a cafe near Mel’s flat, Arro.  Excellent everything. Great Macchiato, a variety of big, tasty pastries, and Mel’s favorite, a Panettone slice as big as her head. Delicious!!!

Congratulations to the Bride and Groom!  Royal Wedding May 19th!


TTFN – Bob
